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#1 2022-06-27 16:38:29

Registered: 2019-03-02
Posts: 155

LF antenne

Hello, yesterday I followed the Iceman LF video, I have an LF card reader from Velleman, I tried to reproduce the video without success, and now when I launch the cmd lf search with a problem tag. If anyone has an idea please.
usb] pm3 --> lf search
[#] Got Waiting Time Extension request 1500 ms
[#] LF signal properties:
[#] high..........255
[#] low...........6
[#] mean..........126
[#] amplitude.....129
[#] is Noise......No
[#] THRESHOLD noise amplitude......8
[#] DEBUG: (setClockGrid) clear settings

[=] NOTE: some demods output possible binary
[=] if it finds something that looks like a tag
[=] False Positives ARE possible
[=] Checking for known tags...
[#] DEBUG: Error - hit tag failed
[#] DEBUG: (ASKDemod_ext) clk 0 invert 0 maxErr 100 maxLen 0 amplify 0 verbose 0 emSearch 0 askType 1
[#] DEBUG: (ASKDemod_ext) #samples from graphbuff: 30000
[#] DEBUG STT: first STT not found - quitting
[#] DEBUG (askdemod_ext) clk 64, beststart 32, amp 0
[#] DEBUG: (askdemod_ext) Clean wave detected --- startindex 0
[#] DEBUG ASK: cleanAskRawDemod minus half clock [0]
[#] DEBUG ASK: cleanAskRawDemod minus half clock [32]
[#] DEBUG ASK: cleanAskRawDemod Startidx 32
[#] DEBUG manrawdecode: bestErr 51 | bestRun 0
[#] DEBUG manrawdecode: bestErr 0 | bestRun 1
[#] DEBUG: (askdemod_ext) CLEAN: startIdx 64, alignPos 1 , bestError 0
[#] DEBUG: (setClockGrid) demodoffset 32, clk 64
[#] DEBUG: (preambleSearchEx) preamble found at 30
[#] DEBUG: (preambleSearchEx) preamble 2 found at 94
[#] DEBUG: (setClockGrid) demodoffset 2016, clk 64
[#] DEBUG: Em410x idx: 30, Len: 44, Printing DemodBuffer:
[+] DemodBuffer:
[+] FF82E003243053C0FF82E003243053C0

[+] EM 410x ID 0B006910AF
[+] EM410x (RF/64)
[=] -------- Possible de-scramble patterns ---------
[+] Unique TAG ID: D0009608F5
[=] HoneyWell IdentKey
[+] DEZ 8: 06885551
[+] DEZ 10: 0006885551
[+] DEZ 5.5: 00105.04271
[+] DEZ 3.5A: 011.04271
[+] DEZ 3.5B: 000.04271
[+] DEZ 3.5C: 105.04271
[+] DEZ 14/IK2: 00047251525807
[+] DEZ 15/IK3: 000893363030261
[+] DEZ 20/ZK: 13000000090600081505
[+] Other: 04271_105_06885551
[+] Paxton Pattern: 192761519 [0xB7D4EAF]
[+] Pattern 1: 9850417 [0x964E31]
[+] Sebury Pattern: 4271 105 6885551 [0x10AF 0x69 0x6910AF]
[=] ----------------------------------------------- -

[+] Valid EM410x ID found!

[#] LF signal properties:
[#] high..........255
[#] low...........5
[#] mean..........126
[#] amplitude.....129
[#] is Noise......No
[#] THRESHOLD noise amplitude......8
[#] DEBUG: (ASKDemod_ext) clk 0 invert 0 maxErr 50 maxLen 0 amplify 0 verbose 0 emSearch 0 askType 1
[#] DEBUG: (ASKDemod_ext) #samples from graphbuff: 6000
[#] DEBUG STT: first STT not found - quitting
[#] DEBUG (askdemod_ext) clk 64, beststart 5, amp 0
[#] DEBUG: (askdemod_ext) Clean wave detected --- startindex -27
[#] DEBUG ASK: cleanAskRawDemod minus half clock [-17]
[#] DEBUG ASK: cleanAskRawDemod Startidx -17
[#] DEBUG manrawdecode: bestErr 29 | bestRun 0
[#] DEBUG manrawdecode: bestErr 0 | bestRun 1
[#] DEBUG: (askdemod_ext) CLEAN: startIdx 15, alignPos 1 , bestError 0
[#] DEBUG: (setClockGrid) demodoffset 15, clk 64
[#] DEBUG: Error - EM4305 preamble not found :: 0
[#] DEBUG, ASK, clocks 8 | hits 0 | idx 0
[#] DEBUG, ASK, clocks 16 | hits 0 | idx 0
[#] DEBUG, ASK, clocks 32 | hits 0 | idx 0
[#] DEBUG, ASK, clocks 40 | hits 0 | idx 0
[#] DEBUG, ASK, clocks 50 | hits 0 | idx 0
[#] DEBUG, ASK, clocks 64 | hits 68 | idx 228
[#] DEBUG, ASK, clocks 100 | hits 1 | idx 133
[#] DEBUG, ASK, clocks 128 | hits 0 | idx 0
[#] DEBUG, ASK, clocks 256 | hits 0 | idx 0
[#] DEBUG, ASK, clocks 384 | hits 0 | idx 0
[#] DEBUG ASK: DetectASKClock Clean ASK Wave detected: clk 64, Best Starting Position: 228
[#] DEBUG (askdemod_ext) clk 64, beststart 228, amp 0
[#] DEBUG: (askdemod_ext) Clean wave detected --- startindex 196
[#] DEBUG ASK: cleanAskRawDemod minus half clock [-17]
[#] DEBUG ASK: cleanAskRawDemod Startidx -17
[#] DEBUG: (setClockGrid) demodoffset -17, clk 64
[#] Biphase Decoded using offset 0 | clock 64 | #errors 0 | start index -17
[#] date

[+] DemodBuffer:
[+] 00010100001111010001000001000000
[+] 00100001110010000000000101011011
[+] 000101000011110100010000010000

[#] DEBUG: Error - EM4305 preamble not found :: 0
[#] DEBUG NRZ: detectstrongNRZclk smallest wave: 32
[#] DEBUG NRZ: startIdx 5
[#] DEBUG: (NRZrawDemod) Tried NRZ Demod using Clock: 32 - invert: 0 - Bits Found: 186
[#] DEBUG: (setClockGrid) demodoffset 5, clk 32
NRZ demoded bitstream:
[+] DemodBuffer:
[+] 01010110100101010101100110010110
[+] 10101001010101010110101010101010
[+] 10100101010101100110101001010101
[+] 01010101010101101001011001011001
[+] 01010110100101010101100110010110
[+] 10101001010101010110101010

[#] DEBUG: Error - EM4305 preamble not found :: 0
[#] DEBUG countfc: FC 1, Cnt 1, best fc: 1, best2 fc: 34
[#] DEB


#2 2022-06-27 17:25:19

Registered: 2019-03-02
Posts: 155

Re: LF antenne

I looked & found this I don't really know if this & in question, thank you good evening.
I looked at my cmdlft55xx.c file it is different than the one on the link?
         for (uint16_t i = 0; i < g_DemodBufferLen - 32; i++) {
             uint32_t tmp = PackBits(i, 32, g_DemodBuffer);
             if (tmp == known_block0) {
                 config. offset = i;
                 config. downlink_mode = m;
                 return true;
I look but no modification I await an answer.
Have a good evening

Last edited by fazer (2022-06-27 17:55:35)


#3 2022-06-27 18:37:37

Registered: 2019-03-02
Posts: 155

Re: LF antenne

Hi, Good evening, I just realized that by looking at the all & normal log the pm3 is doing its job, I don't have enough experience with this beautiful tool, sorry for this useless post.
Have a good evening.

Last edited by fazer (2022-06-30 17:11:02)


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