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#1 2015-02-27 00:45:40

Registered: 2015-02-27
Posts: 2

Ovewriting fingerprint template (biometrics) on HiD iClass cards

Apologies, I know this is kinda noobish, but I've searched the forums and found no information relating to biometrics. Anyway, I was wondering what specific fingerprint scanner to get in order to acquire a different fingerprint profile and overwrite the existing fingerprint profile(biometrics) on a cloned HID Standard Security iCLASS card, and how exactly would that work?


#2 2015-02-28 16:38:04

From: Arizona USA
Registered: 2010-07-04
Posts: 175

Re: Ovewriting fingerprint template (biometrics) on HiD iClass cards

In order to store a fingerprint template to an iclass card you will need three things:
1) A HID BioCLASS reader enroller [RKLB57 or RWKLB575 (part # 6180BxR)].
2) A 16K or 32K iclass card (blank or previously used).
3) A HID "Reset Enroller" Configuration Card.

If your reader/enroller is new then you will not need item 3 above.
If your reader/enroller was previously owned then you will need the Reset card in order to reset the reader to a factory default state whereby a new "Administrator" can be assigned to the reader (that would be you).

Once you assign yourself as an administrator on that particular reader/enroller you now have the ability to add fingerprint and/or PIN data to any users card. Simply follow the instructions outlined in the HID BioCLASS Field Enroller User Guide that is available on the HID Global website.


#3 2015-03-01 12:19:43

Registered: 2015-02-27
Posts: 2

Re: Ovewriting fingerprint template (biometrics) on HiD iClass cards

Thanks a lot a mate. However, I'm just trying to understand how it's all going to work with Proxmark.

Say a scenario where I clone a 16K or 32K iclass card using proxmark, will the fingerprint profile be cloned along with the other details onto the new card, and can I simply use the enroller to only replace the fingerprint profile and nothing else on the new card?


Should the enroller be used to add my fingerprint profile first on a the new(blank) card before cloning with Proxmark? Hope you can understand what I'm trying to say. Thanks


#4 2015-03-01 18:05:15

From: Arizona USA
Registered: 2010-07-04
Posts: 175

Re: Ovewriting fingerprint template (biometrics) on HiD iClass cards

The biometric information is stored in Application Area 2 of the card which uses a different authentication key than Application Area 1. Application Area 1 contains the HID access control information (e.g. wiegand data, PIN) and is accessible using the HID Master Authentication key that was hacked a few years ago.
The Proxmark3 software does not currently provide any functionality to interract with the stored biometric data in Application Area 2.
In order to place your own biometric data onto a cloned card you must first enroll your information onto any 16K/32K iclass card using a HID BioCLASS enroller and "then" use the Proxmark to copy Blocks 6-9 from the original card to the cloned card.


#5 2015-03-02 11:10:19

Registered: 2013-04-25
Posts: 9,507

Re: Ovewriting fingerprint template (biometrics) on HiD iClass cards

he is welcome to implement the function in the source smile


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