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Pages: 1
Hello all,
I am a security hobbyist and using the Proxmark 3 to duplicate my apartment's keyfob into an ATA5577C chip if that is possible. For this I am first trying to find out the data format and encoding/modulation scheme used in the card. I have tried to do "lf search" command on this keyfob, but the PM3 does not return anything ("no known tags"). Then I used the "data plot" command to see how the trace looks like and I got this following trace.
From this trace, I feel like it uses PSK modulation, but since I am a beginner, I have no idea on how I can approach this trace to extract the correct data format (first [X] bits are facility code, then [Y] bits are unique ID, etc). Has anyone worked with this type of Doorking keyfobs before and knows the correct data format? I have attached a picture of my keyfob (which has both a clicker and a keyfob in the same package) and our apartment's reader (Doorking 1815-330) below in case it might be helpful. Thank you for your help and have a nice day,
lf search u
Searches for unknown tags and would be an option.
...and @OP's links is missing...
his images:
evidently imgur doesn't allow direct image linking.
it appears to be psk, so lf search u or
lf read
data samples
data rawd p1 ( or p2 )
to attempt to demod to binary
Doorking 1815-330
Uses 1508 tags, see for more info. also relevant ("MicroPlus® and MicroClik® ProxMitters™ (Card + Transmitter) are available")
The linked trace has a terrible DC offset / is a bad read, which is why demod is failing. Try running a "data norm" or "data hpf" first.
Last edited by lonewolf (2017-04-01 21:39:19)
Pages: 1