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I got a keyfob that was sold with a chinese rfid copier.
When I read the keyfob witch the proxmark, I read an EM4100 tag. But I don't see a T55xx or an EM43x5 chip detected at the end, only the EM4100 part.
How can I identify the type of tag sold with the copier ?
It is likely a password protected t55x7 tag. Depending on the strength and size of your antenna the t55xx detection routine might not always pick it up.
Thank you for the answer.
But I got hold of a blank keyfob coming with the copier, but it is also detected as a "pure" EM4100 tag, no t55x7 part either.
I know the tag is not protected at the moment, only after the first time the copier writes it.
(I got another copier that is able to write on a blank keyfob. But it is not able to do so after the first copier writes on the keyfob with the password protection)
Like I said key fobs often require a better than stock antenna for full function.
Thank you very much. I didn't catch your first answer, I thought the password protected part was what impeded the detection, not that it was a keyfob.
I will see how to get a better antenna
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